We all drive and influence norms that make up our collective culture on campuses and beyond. By developing shared understandings of sustainability and identifying what needs to change, we empower students to take positive sustainability action. We have 18 years of experience in engaging students on energy, waste and water, helping introduce life-long sustainable living habits.
"Volunteering for the programme has been a great learning experience and a good way to connect with students who share similar values, this made me feel more hopeful for the future." - Campaign Volunteer 2020-21
Delivered under the Green Campus Revolution brand, or as part of your own sustainability branding, this multi award-winning student engagement programme engages students in residences and purpose built student accommodation on environmental and social sustainability and introduces life-long sustainable living habits.
Positive interventions including training, competitions, and peer-to-peer activities inspire behaviour change, creating a new generation of sustainability champions each year.
You set the specific sustainability challenge you’re looking to address through student engagement, such as energy and water waste, waste segregation, ethical consumption, or travel. We’ll then deliver fun, inclusive, and accessible engagement activities to address that challenge in partnership with your students. The programme builds students’ foundation of sustainability literacy, focusing on enhancing student skills and experience, mobilising students to lead on sustainability initiatives.
The engagement activities communicate practical advice to achieve quantifiable energy, waste and water reductions.
> View the full details and programme costings.
Recycling audits provide a visual check of all bins in shared kitchensto give you a greater understanding on recycling habits and to feedback tostudents on their performance.
SOS-UK can deliver the audits either in conjunction with a full Green Campus Revolution Programme or as a stand-alone option.
> View the full details and costings (page 14)
To inspire friendly competition between residences, and motivate additional energy savings, our popular inter-hall competition is a recommended bolt-on to your programme.
If you have sub-metering available, we can analyse this data against a pre-intervention baseline to generate a leaderboard of the top performing residence to help build and mobilise the student community. This could be a competition between halls on the same campus, or in different cities.
We will share a mid-year and end-of-year leaderboard, with student-facing communications, to boost savings and reward students’ progress.
> View the full details and costings (page 15)
Our participating students told us that, as a result of the programme:
When you work with SOS-UK on Green Campus Revolution, you'll recieve support across the whole academic year, which includes the below, amongst other benefits:
By taking part, you benefit from:
For more information please contact us.
Learn, act & lead on climate action in student accommodation! Find out more on our pages.