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Hedgehog Friendly Campus

Turn your campus into a place where hedgehogs can thrive.
Sign up for 2025/26Check it out


We are facing an ecological crisis and hedgehogs are the canary in the coalmine. Their numbers have dropped between 30-75% since the year 2000 and are one of the species now listed as vulnerable to extinction on Britain’s Red List, due mostly to habitat loss and fragmentation.


There is notable public support for the hedgehog and people want to help, but often don’t know how. Hedgehog Friendly Campus provides a framework that supports universities, colleges, students' unions and primary schools to create positive change for hedgehogs and other wildlife on their campus and enables staff and students to recognise their own impacts on nature.

Criteria within our framework set out to achieve three objectives: protect biodiversity, enhance habitats and educate staff and students on their own impacts.


The criteria used in Hedgehog Friendly Campus provide a roadmap - they are not prescriptive and seek to recognise individual institutions’ different approaches.

Themes within the framework include partnerships, policies and procedures, practical action and education. Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum levels are available, measured by an end of year audit. Award levels must be completed sequentially.


The British Hedgehog Preservation Society part-fund the Hedgehog Friendly Campus and Hedgehog Friendly Schools programmes and also accredit the award.

Opportunities for students

We’re looking for university and college students to become Hedgehog Ambassadors. This is a voluntary role with resources and training available. Ambassadors work with their institution and others in the Hedgehog Friendly Campus team to identify and tackle hazards on their campus, enhance the site and raise awareness.

Students can sign up to be Student Auditors for the Hedgehog Friendly Campus and Hedgehog Friendly Schools awards. Audits take place on the 28th May 2025 and you can register your interest here.

Other opportunities

Take part in the Big Hog-Friendly Litter Pick Challenge, a national competition to find out which institution can collect the most litter in and around the campus. Email info@hedgehogfriendlycampus.co.uk for this year’s dates and to register.

Sign up for 2024/2025

Universities, colleges, students' unions and schools can sign up to Hedgehog Friendly Campus by emailing Jo at info@hedgehogfriendlycampus.co.uk.