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Alcohol Impact

Fostering a campus culture of responsible alcohol consumption & inclusivity
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Alcohol Impact supports universities and students' union to change attitudes towards alcohol, building healthier, safer, more productive student communities.

Based on our successful behaviour change programme Green Impact, we're making a positive impact on a crucial student welfare issue. This isn't about getting students to stop drinking. It's about creating a more positive culture of responsible drinking.

For the huge number of students who don't drink alcohol, campus life isn't as inclusive as we'd like it to be. For students who drink, the habits formed as a student often stick for a lifetime. Reinforcing positive behaviours at this moment of change can have a lasting influence.

Alcohol Impact helps to ensure that our institutions can provide productive places to live and work, by confronting the dangers associated with excessive drinking.

Alcohol Impact runs alongside our new Drug and Alcohol Impact programme.

How it works

Participating institutions and students' unions are supported by SOS-UK to work through a framework of criteria ranging from shaping students' union policy, to working in partnership with local community groups and residents.

  • Our online toolkit provides resources and highlights areas of good practice.
  • Each institution undertakes a number of more ambitious interventions, such as developing creative alcohol-free events, delivering training for sports clubs or developing responsible drinking policies
  • Partnerships take an average of 2-3 years to complete the criteria
  • When the partnership are ready, SOS-UK trains student auditors to conduct the audit, which includes a documentary review of evidence, interviews with staff, officers, external stakeholders and student focus groups.
  • If criteria have been completed to a satisfactory level, the institution is awarded with our accreditation mark.

Sign up for 2024/2025

For more information visit our website

To get in touch email tracy.lumb@sos-uk.org