Sustainable renting tips

If you’re moving out soon, make sure to:

  • Donate or sell your unwanted items ahead of moving
  • Eat all the food in your fridge, freezer and cupboards to avoid food waste and save money!
  • Dispose of anything needed in the correct bins ahead of time

Before moving, you can avoid buying multiple household goods by communicating with housemates and sharing appliances, and look into getting a smart meter.

If you pay your bills directly, you are automatically entitled to get a smart meter – just request one from your supplier (or search ‘get a smart meter’). It’s recommended that you let your landlord know before you make the change. If your landlord pays the bills, you can also get a smart meter, speak to them about upgrading. There are lots of benefits to having a smart meter.

They can:

  • help you spot ways you can use energy more efficiently, which could help you save money on your bills
  • send automatic meter readings to your supplier, meaning you get accurate bills without having to check the meter yourself

For more information on how to manage bills in a shared house, our house hunting checklist, and more on privately renting see our guides.

How to manage bills in a shared house
Last updated 
June 21, 2024

House hunting guide
Last updated 
January 5, 2023

Sustainable moving guide
Last updated 
June 21, 2024