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Tailored sustainability resources for your subject/discipline/age group:
- Climate change teaching materials, TROP ICSU: sample lesson plans and multimedia teaching tools for 10 disciplines - Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Social Sciences, Economics, Geography, and Humanities
- World's Largest Lesson: free multimedia resources to engage young people on the SDGs. Features: videos, comics, games, quizzes and more for pupils aged 2 to 14 and above. Multiple languages available. Curated by UNESCO and UNICEF.
Environmental sustainability-themed educational resources:
- Webinar: An introduction to decolonizing conservation and rewilding – Jasmine Isa Quereshi and WildCard
From the Australian Earth Laws Alliance:
- Earth Laws Centre featuring multimedia resources on Earth System Governance, Rights of Nature, Ecocide, Earth Jurisprudence, and other transformative alternatives to unsustainability
- Earth Laws Month 2023 webinar playlist featuring topics on decolonizing, Human Rights to a healthy environment, connecting with Nature through deep listening, faith and the environment, and more.
Social sustainability-themed educational resources:
Human Rights education resources from Amnesty International:
- First Steps - classroom activities aimed at children aged 3 to 5. Features: games, stories, and art about wellbeing, feelings, belonging, and more. Resources are also available in Welsh.
- 10 interactive lesson activities aimed at children aged 5 to11. Features: topics on identity and children’s rights, poverty, fair trade and more. Resources are also available in Welsh.
- Worksheet aimed at pupils aged 7 to 13 on Human Rights and solidarity
- Worksheets aimed at pupils aged 14 to 19 on Human Rights and activism
- 5 lesson plans and worksheets aimed at children aged 11 to 18. Features: films and lived experience stories
- Nine ideas for exploring Human Rights through fiction books
- Words That Burn – poetry education resources aimed at secondary school students. Features: worksheets, spoken word videos, poetry writing tips, and more
Economic sustainability-themed educational resources:
- Australian Earth Laws Alliance – Earth Economics 2023 and 2022 webinar series featuring topics such as relational economics and ecological economics
- Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME): Blueprint for SDG integration into curricula, research and partnerships
Care, collaboration and creativity-themed educational resources:
- CreaTures (Creative Practices for Transformative Futures): an EU Horizon 2020-funded research project that investigated the role of creative practice for eco-social change.
- Edible garden impact case study: an overview of a project organised by Exeter College students and staff and Coreus Group. An excellent example of a collaborative wellbeing approach to SDG 3 (health) and 4 (quality education).
Games and interactive sustainability learning:
- Catastrophic - an online card-based game about disasters, plants, animals, and conservation
Open-access publications on Education for Sustainable Development, ecocentric education, and other related topics
- The Nature Connection Handbook: a guide for increasing people's connections with Nature, University of Derby. Features practical guidance on how people of all ages can foster sensory, emotional, and physical engagement with the wider environment. Curated by Miles Richardson and Carly W. Butler.
- A Rounder Sense of Purpose (RSP) - a practical framework designed to support those involved in education for a just and sustainable future. Browse example lesson activities related to different SDGs and the 12 competencies of the RSP framework, including empathy, creativity, and transdisciplinarity.
- Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary: Bitesize written pieces on alternative social-economic systems for a thriving planet – great prompts for discussion or supplements to reading lists. Covers topics such as degrowth, earth spirituality, gross national happiness, solidarity economies, and 100 more.
- CreaTures (Creative Practices for Transformative Futures): an EU Horizon 2020-funded research project that investigated the role of creative practice for eco-social change, included the curation of an open-access CreaTures framework.