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Mock COP

A global campaign demanding world leaders to show climate ambition
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When the COP26 conference would have been running in November 2020, over 330 youth delegates representing over 140 countries gathered online at Mock COP26. It was a powerful statement showing the ambition and dreams of young people worldwide fighting for a fair, equal and green world. The conference culminated with a global declaration to world leaders with 18 ambitious, yet realistic policies covering 6 important themes; climate education, climate justice, climate-resilient livelihoods, physical and mental health, nationally determined contributions and biodiversity.

The campaign continues to mobilise a movement of young people globally to campaign for their leaders to show this ambition and implement parts of the Mock COP treaty.

Mock COP is the campaign behind the global projects, Teach the Teacher and 1.5 degrees.

View the Mock COP26 treaty.

Find Out More

Visit the Mock COP YouTube site for videos from the Mock COP26 conference, including delegate statements, key-note speakers and academic support.

Read the blog.

See our global press coverage from the Mock COP26 conference.

Sign up for 2024/2025

Contact hello@mockcop.org with any queries.