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How Farming Can Cool The Planet

Finding a united voice on food, farming, and the climate and nature crises
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How Farming Can Cool The Planet is a collaborative project between SOS-UK, FLAME (the youth branch of the Landworkers' Alliance), and NFYFC (the National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs).

Through farm visits, events and creating resources, the project has enabled students, FLAME members and young farmers with different lived experiences to share their stories with each other, to find common ground, and to ultimately have a united voice so they can tackle the climate crisis through food and farming together.

What we've been doing

Farm visits

These provide an opportunity for students, FLAME members and young farmers to see agroecological farming in practice and to spend time with people who may have different experiences and views to them about food, farming and the climate. The overall purpose is to take people from their usual environment to a different environment to look, learn and discuss food, farming, the climate and nature. The project encourages the exploration of thoughts and assumptions and gives us the opportunity to record and share the outcome of these via our three partner organisations.

A photo collage of farm visits from Abbey Home Farm, Yeo Valley Farm, Tolhurst Organic Farm and Knepp Estate Farm.

Quotes from students about their farm visit experience


The project gives a platform for students, FLAME members and young farmers to talk about food, farming and the climate and to share their different lived experiences and stories in a supported non-judgemental way. The aim is to show the value of collaboration, that you can always find common ground, and to show why having a united youth voice is so important in tackling the climate crisis through food and farming.

A photo collage of events from the Oxford Real Farming Conference 2024, Groundswell: The Regenerative Agriculture Festival 2024, the Landworker's Alliance Skills Fair 2022 and SOS-UK's Student Sustainability Summit 2023.

Groundswell Video

This video is about the How Farming Can Cool the Planet project event at Groundswell, the Hertfordshire regenerative farming festival. Watch this video to learn about the experiences of the young people who attended the event and their hopes for the future.

Video created by WeDesign for the How Farming Can Cool the Planet Project.

Check out the short interviews below from young people talking about their experiences, what they have learnt and what they will take away from attending Groundswell.

Oxford Real Farming Conference Podcast

Check out and listen to this podcast from the 2024 Oxford Real Farming Conference recorded by young farmer and rural podcaster Dan Grist. This special episode follows a group of young people – from farmers to inner city graduates – who share their passion for food and farming. Recorded with support from Farming the Future as part of the How Farming Can Cool the Planet project, which involves project partners SOS-UK, the National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs, and FLAME, the youth branch of the Landworkers' Alliance.

Farm Visits Video

Watch this video about how tackling the climate and nature crises needs a joined up approach. SOS-UK has been proud to be part of a collaborative project with FLAME (youth branch of the Landworkers' Alliance) and NFYFC (National Federation of Young Farmer's Clubs) to help share more understanding about the role farming can play. This 'How Farming Can Cool the Planet' video demonstrates how young people from three diverse organisations visited farms, shared ideas and challenged thinking.

Video Competition Winners

For the Tolhurst Organic Farm and Groundswell visits we ran video competitions so the experience and what was learnt could be shared more widely.


The aim of these is to clearly explain the links between climate, nature, farming and food justice, and what actions people can take to create a positive impact. This infographic is an example of what has been created by students, FLAME members and young farmers so far.

First page says: We are young people with different experiences and backgrounds who are involved in food, farming or climate action. We all believe farming can produce good food and help address the climate and ecological emergencies we face. We are sharing our experiences and visions...to think about how farming can help cool the planet. Second page says: How can farming help combat climate change? By increasing our carbon stores in soils, forests, wetlands, and meadows. By improving soil quality to prevent runoff and reduce flooding. By working with landscapes, farmers can restore ecosystem services, by protecting soils through cover crops and rotations to enrich carbon stores. Why is it important? Farmland covers 70% of the UK, agriculture currently produces one tenth of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions, and the National Farmers Union have committed to net zero across England and Wales by 2040. How can you support? Ask where your food comes from, buy local, sustainable food, work on your local farm or community growing project, find out where your school, college or university sources its food. Third page says: Whether we talk about regenerative agriculture, nature-friendly farming, agroecology or sustainable agriculture, we all believe farming can be part of the solution. Justice: right to land, food sovereignty, right to healthy food. Ecosystems: more diverse habitats, integrating natural systems, water catchment. Climate mitigation: carbon neutral inputs, protecting soil carbon. All three together will stop habitat destruction, create climate resilient farming and restore soils.
Infographic on How Farming Can Cool The Planet programme



With many thanks to Farming The Future who fund this project.

Farming The Future logo

Sign up for 2024/2025

If you would like to get involved with How Farming Can Cool The Planet, or have any questions, please email us.