< Programmes and Campaigns

Candidates for Change

Supporting university students to consider their impact through careers
Sign up for 2024/25Check it out


This was a pilot campaign, run during 2021. Funding for this campaign has now ended, however we can still deliver the campaign workshop for a fee, or provide you with free resources to deliver yourselves.

Prospective applicants and newly-employed graduates can help influence employers to do more for sustainability, from investing their pensions more ethically to paying a real living wage to all workers.

As outlined in our guide for students, this can be at various points of the recruitment process:

  • before applying (e.g. background research)
  • when applying (e.g. careers fairs and interviews)
  • after applying (and starting new role)

This pilot campaign seeks to engage students on this area through focussed workshops and other engagement led by SOS-UK. Our thanks to the two pilot universities: Coventry University and the University of Edinburgh.



Our six-page student guide on the area: https://sos-uk.org/resources-file/candidates-for-change-guide

Digital promotion

We have produced a guide to support outreach on social media: https://cloud.sos-uk.org/s/SRKMxFdrJLbQgZG

Workshop materials

These are freely available for you to deliver independently should you wish to - please get in touch to request them, or we can deliver in-person or virtually for a fee.

Branding and student guide design done by Paper Rhino.

Sign up for 2024/2025

Get in touch if you are a university expressing interest in hosting a future workshop