Launching Green Impact webinar series
SOS-UK are launching a monthly webinar series specifically for Green Impact teams
We're excited to launch an interactive webinar series, covering a range of sustainability topics, for all Green Impact organisations to promote to their teams. We're looking forward to reaching hundreds of staff and students across the Green Impact network, as this will be the first time that staff from different organisations will be joining the same webinars. Staff from hospitals, universities, local councils and businesses will be able to collaborate, share ideas and network during these webinars.
Each month, we will share the webinar series with each organisation, to promote to their Green Impact teams. All webinars will be hosted through Zoom and recorded for people to access at a later date.
We'll be announcing speakers and further webinars soon but for now, here is a taster of what's to come!
Helping hedgehogs
Hedgehogs are the UK's favourite mammal, but they have declined by 50% in the last 20 years. This short Webinar explains why this is and how you can help hedgehogs, both on campus and at home.
Jo Wilkinson - Hedgehog Friendly Campus
Watch the recording here on YouTube!
20th August 2020
Single-Use Plastics
What are single-use plastics are and why are they a problem? How can we reduce our dependence on them?
Grace Corn - SOS-UK
15th September 2020
Cycle confident and basic bike maintenance
Top tips to improve your cycling skills to help you feel safer and more confident on the road. The second half you can learn how to do an M-check and repair a puncture.
Zoe Arnold - SOS-UK
Claudio - Bike for Good
28th September 2020
Choose Woods and Trees for your community
Find out how you can transform your local area into a wildlife haven, fight climate change with local action, and campaign for trees and woods when you take part in the Tree Charter Movement! Zara Holden from the Woodland Trust is here to tell us about the inspirational work happening across the UK and how you can get involved.
Zara Holden - The Woodland Trust
8th October 2020
Climate Emergency - the bigger picture
What is the Climate Emergency and what can we and organisations do to tackle this?
Katie Jepson - SOS-UK
12th November 2020
Learning for sustainability
Explore what learning for sustainability means, for academic staff who provide teaching and non-academic staff who can see scope to engage students with their work.
Meg Baker - SOS-UK
Recording available soon!
8th December 2020
12 - 1pm
Choosing an ethical bank
Talking people through and giving tips on ethical banking
Mel Kee - SOS-UK
For healthcare organisations, The Centre of Sustainable Healthcare, have a fantastic range of courses for you to join. The courses are designed for health professionals, senior leaders, educators, students, and sustainability and estates managers. Find out more about these courses and how to register here;