The Field Studies Council are offering the following to the SOS-UK student network, if you have any questions please contact the Field Studies Council directly.
Low cost environmental training and resources for students
More and more jobs want to see continued training to understand and protect the natural environment. That’s been the focus of the environment education charity, Field Studies Council, since 1943.
Now, SOS UK student networks can get exclusive discounts to training courses and related publications from the Field Studies Council. Please see below. Students pay very little and what they do pay help funds the charity to bring environmental education to all.
More information
The Field Studies Council provide low cost introductions to biodiversity training that useful for most job roles, as well as advanced training for practitioners.
By attending courses, you’ll discover new species and perspectives; experience habitats; and meet friends and tutors.
The Field Studies Council also the UK’s leading publisher for accessible wildlife identification guides for use where people study, work and live. All the guides are splash proof, rucksack-sized and light enough to carry all day.
All courses and guides are co-created and tested with students, other enthusiasts, and the country’s leading experts.
What’s on offer
20% discount on 15 biodiversity training courses
SOS UK student networks can get an exclusive 20% discount on 15 biodiversity training courses from the Field Studies Council. There’s a mix of online and 1-2 day courses at locations across the UK. Booking is online using the discount code: sos20. The subjects include marine mammals, birds, seals, snails, tracks/signs, amphibians, and reptiles.
66% discount on discovering bees course
There’s also 66% subsidy on another course: Discovering Bees. This online course starts on 13th April 2022. This is £20 rather than £60. Student can select the subsidy on the Field Studies website.
Green career online workshop series for £30
The First Steps into a Green Career Online Workshop Series is an opportunity for individuals either interested in a career in the environmental sector or those thinking about their next steps, whether that’s students or career switchers.
This event is a series of engaging and interactive 90-minute stonline workshops that have been developed and will be delivered by Field Studies Council staff from a range of backgrounds and experiences. The 5 sessions, plus access to the Green Career Network, are on offer for just £30 for students.
The SOS-UK network can also access a new range of spring wildlife biodiversity guides that select the most popular subjects – birds, countryside and gardens.
Thank you – and best wishes for your studies to help you and others act positively for the natural environment