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Celebrating the 2023-24 GISU Winners and Highlighting Students' Unions' Outstanding Contributions

July 18, 2024

Participation in Green Impact Students' Unions (GISU) showcases how Students’ Unions (SUs) and Students’ Associations (SAs) are actively leading sustainability action in 2023-24, representing and responding to their students. This year, 32 SUs and SAs engaged with the programme, displaying remarkable dedication and enthusiasm for sustainability. Among these, 20 unions achieved the prestigious 'Excellent' award. This is an impressive accomplishment for the student movement, and we congratulate all those involved!

The GISU programme, supported by a comprehensive online toolkit of 52 sustainable criteria, enabled union teams to plan and track their sustainability action. This toolkit covered 10 union-specific areas, ensuring a holistic approach to sustainability. Throughout the year, 1,360 positive sustainability actions were completed by participation unions, including:

  • 26 unions have substantively included sustainability in their strategic plans.
  • 29 sustainability awards have been handed out by SUs and SAs, recognising the outstanding efforts and achievements of their members
  • 24 Unions actively supported decolonising and decarbonising action.
  • 25 Unions have collaborated with liberation officers or groups.

Spotlight on union-led initiatives in 2023-24

University of Birmingham Guild of Students - Cost of Living Campaign

Addressing the financial implications on students under current economic circumstances, the University of Birmingham Guild of Students has implemented several initiatives. Their Community Pantry provides one-off food parcels and cooking tips, with over 300 food packages distributed so far. The Community Breakfast offers a weekly free meal, fostering a sense of community and support and The Selly Express ensures safe and reliable transportation for students. These efforts have been instrumental in supporting students facing financial challenges. The introduction of the Selly Express has also contributed to sustainability efforts by reducing the need for individual taxi rides, particularly on busy club nights. This initiative not only promotes safer transportation options but also reduces carbon emissions and congestion in the local area.

University of Stirling Students’ Union - Mental Health Initiatives

Tackling the issue of climate anxiety, the University of Stirling Students’ Union has introduced the Climate Cafe program, based on best practices from the Climate Psychology Alliance. Inspired by research indicating that young people, including students, suffer disproportionately from climate anxiety, these cafes provide a safe space for students to share and manage their feelings. The Climate Cafes sat alongside student loneliness workshops and Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training, which was fully booked and received positive feedback.  

Oxford Brookes Students' Union – Biodiversity initiatives with students

Oxford Brookes Students' Union identified sites that could be taken over by students for biodiversity, in partnership with the institution. Students rebuilt and improved a pond area to make it better for local biodiversity and lots of work was undertaken to improve the plants and wildlife it supported. There was significant collaboration across the institution, including with a senior lecturer in conservation biology. The Union has also seen students working on tree planting and undertaking a trial period of an ‘edible street’ campaign in courtyard gardens at Headington, which could be expanded to other parts of the university.

Queen Mary University of London Students' Union – Re-Use Fair

This year Queen Mary University of London Students' Union revamped their Re-Use Fair to great success. This included ticketed timeslots, a token system for individuals to trade for items and dedicated student staff helping with the running of the event. The Fair diverted 1.4 tonnes of items from landfill and had approximately 427 happy customers!  Over 90% of attendees to the Fair were happy or very happy with the items on offer and over 85% of attendees said that the Fair has saved them money, with nearly 100 people saying it “helped them feel more sustainable”.

A person talks to another person at a stall
Hertfordshire Students' Union

Excitingly, we proudly present the recipients of the GISU Special Awards 2023-24:

Alongside each union’s overall award, we present Special Awards each year to some of the highest scorers. There is also the prestigious Student Leadership Award, which will be judged by a panel and announced shortly!

Highest Scoring: The Students' Union at UWE

The Students' Union at UWE achieved the highest score due to their outstanding commitment to sustainability. Their highlight campaign focused on food and farming, biodiversity, and green spaces. Efforts included educating students about the benefits of green spaces and lobbying the university to protect 9.5 hectares of land from development. Their liberation campaign, led by an all-international BAME team, reviewed and reimagined how to effectively run and deliver liberation campaigns, ensuring student-led and driven initiatives.

Highest Scoring from the Nations: Swansea University Students' Union

Swansea University Students' Union's achieved the highest score for a Union in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, thus winning our ‘Highest Scoring form the Nations’ award. Their highlight campaign involved lobbying the university to adopt a Fossil Free Careers policy. As the largest UK university to commit to this initiative, Swansea is setting a precedent by refusing relationships with oil, gas, or mining companies and adopting an Ethical Careers Policy. This policy explicitly excludes these companies from recruitment opportunities and events, demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability.

Highest Scoring (Further Education): Fife College Students' Association

Fife College Students' Association achieved the highest score for a participating Further Education SU or SA. They undertook a number of great campaigns which were commended by their auditor, including vapes, fast fashion, cycling provision, ethical personal finance and nature!

Most Improved: UWTSD Students' Union

UWTSD Students' Union won the award for ‘Most Improved’ by increasing their total score the most compared to last year. Their highlight campaign focused on period poverty, earning recognition from NUS Wales. Their Period Dignity Campaign includes providing free sanitary products, engaging with women's networks and community groups, and offering free reusable sanitary products to students in hardship. These efforts not only address period poverty but also enhance sustainability and support for students.  

A warm congratulations to all participating SUs and SAs in this year's GISU programme, collectively achieving remarkable sustainability improvements across the movement.

Take part in GISU in 2024-25

The next cycle of GISU (2024-25) will commence early in the new academic year, with the toolkit going live in late August. We welcome both new and prospective unions to join us this year, as well as those who have participated previously. You can register your participation here. For a comprehensive overview of our SU offerings and to sign up for the 2024-25 programme, please visit our website.

We have a new fee structure to accommodate unions at different levels of engagement (all costs exclusive of VAT):

  • A new £35 ‘access only’ level that allows you to access the toolkit only. You will not receive an audit or accreditation at the end of the year (or access to our online support such as webinars and check-in calls), but you can use the toolkit to plan and monitor your activities and self-assess progress.  
  • Our standard full programme participation: £495 which includes an online audit and feedback on where points have been gained or lost. There is a 10% discount for signing up for 2 years.  
  • We’ve also added an enhanced in-person audit option (£750, inclusive programme participation) for those who would like a member of the SOS-UK team to visit your union and provide in-depth feedback on areas of improvement and ideas for next steps as part of your audit. There is a 10% discount for signing up for 2 years.

Sign up here!

Four people in high vis jackets with litter pickers
Aston SU Litter Pick Team

Full list of GISU award winners 2023-24:

Aston Students' Union – Very Good

Bath Spa Students' Union – Excellent

Bedfordshire Students' Union – Good

Bucks Students' Union – Excellent

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union – Excellent

Fife College Students' Association – Excellent

GCU Students' Association – Excellent

Hertfordshire Students' Union – Very Good

Huddersfield Students' Union – Very Good

Leeds Arts Union – Excellent

Leeds Trinity Students' Union – Excellent

Leeds University Union – Excellent

Liverpool Guild of Students – Excellent

Newcastle University Students' Union – Working Towards

Nottingham Trent Students' Union - Excellent  

Oxford Brookes Students' Union – Very Good

Queen Mary University of London Students' Union – Excellent

Students' Union UCL – Excellent

Swansea University Students' Union – Excellent

The Students' Union at UWE – Excellent

The Union at MMU – Working Towards

Ulster University Students' Union – Good

Undeb Aberystwyth – Excellent

Undeb Bangor – Excellent

Union of Brunel Students – Good

University of Birmingham Guild of Students – Excellent

University of Lincoln Students' Union – Excellent

University of Stirling Students' Union – Excellent

UWTSD Students' Union – Very Good

Winchester Student Union – Very Good

Wrexham Glyndŵr Students' Union - Excellent

Article image credit: Hertfordshire Students' Union