We are pleased to announce the Responsible Futures host partnerships for 2023-24, University College of Estate Management (UCEM)and University of Strathclyde and Strathclyde student union!
Responsible Futures partners students with their institution to embed sustainability in all student learning, known as partnerships. Partnerships can apply to become a host partnership for one academic year. The host partnerships lead on support afternoons/ webinars, sharing learnings and best practice with all the partnerships in the programme. They support other partnerships’ development and achievement of the Responsible Futures accreditation. The host partnerships can offer their support and experience for new partnerships working towards to achieving the Responsible Futures accreditation.
Here is what UCEM had to say about their journey with Responsible Futures and upcoming role as 2023-24 host partnerships:
“We are delighted to become a Responsible Futures host partnership for 2023-24. We have been huge supporters and active participants of the Responsible Futures initiative since becoming the first online institution to gain accreditation in2018, and this is the next step in strengthening our relationship with the scheme. As custodians of an institution which trains professionals to go out and create a more sustainable Built Environment we see Responsible Futures as a potential game-changer for the Further Education and Higher Education sectors. In my opinion, every education provider should sign up to Responsible Futures to work in collaboration with their learners to ensure sustainability is authentically embedded throughout the organisation and I hope we can inspire more providers to get involved in our role as a host partnership for the scheme.” – Aled Williams, Executive Director Innovation and Partnerships”
UCEM were also asked why they wanted to become a host partnership this year:
“Becoming a host partnership this year will allow us to share our experiences and recommendations on the theme of lifelong engagement with sustainability. UCEM (in collaboration with SOS-UK) facilitated a sustainability-themed survey in Summer 2022 to capture alumni experiences of sustainability as a student at UCEM and since graduating in their chosen careers. Alumni had the option to work with us to produce a case study around the topic, the aim of both was to demonstrate UCEM’s long-term impact and progress on our sustainability ambitions. The case studies have been a way to demonstrate that sustainability comes in all shapes and sizes. Findings from both the survey and case studies have helped inform our culture of sustainability through student, staff and alumni activity, including the institution’s Alumni Lifelong Influencing Plan. We’re excited to share ideas and learnings from this work and activities around student and staff engagement with other institutions to support a lifelong culture of sustainability. We’re grateful for the opportunity to be host partners again, this time alongside the University of Strathclyde”. – Jessica Gordon-Calvert, Sustainability Education & Engagement Officer

Here is what the University of Strathclyde said about specific themes or areas they would like to focus on in their role as a host partnership:
“The Strathclyde Partnership has been working hard to embed ESD in curricula over the last few years. We’d seek to explore this area in particular and talk about how we’re engaging students in this process following the Responsible Futures audit”.
They were also asked about their journey with Responsible Futures and their role as host partnership this year:
“Strathclyde joined Responsible Futures in 2021 and we’ve just achieved accreditation this year! Responsible Futures presented an exciting opportunity to monitor and evaluate our whole institution approach to sustainability. It has allowed us to see what we’re doing well and what could be improved. Responsible Futures has also provided a formal mechanism for working collaboratively with students on this work, which has been invaluable and opened up new opportunities for staff-student engagement. We benefited from host partnership webinars last year and thought this would be a great chance for us to share the Strathclyde experience and continue to learn from other institutions”. – Louise Logan, Learning Enhancement Officer (Education for Sustainable Development)

Throughout the year, we will sharing articles with information and updates on Responsible Futures 2023-24. Learn more about Responsible Futures on our homepage