Here’s how students can get involved in our work to deliver a more environmentally just world.
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We believe education can bring about that change. SOS-UK is a student-led education charity focusing on sustainability - we know environmental sustainability cannot be achieved in isolation, so our work spans across issues of justice and wellbeing as well.
This is what some of them say about us
I found the training extremely helpful (I would say close to life changing)!
I have enjoyed learning about what happens behind the scenes with universities and have found auditing a new experience to help develop skills like analysing, critical thinking and leadership.
I have understood more about the need for an interdisciplinary approach to tackling sustainability issues, and how there needs to be more action from everyone at all levels.
We have been working in the same way for a long time and needed to be challenged - it was good to have someone from the outside come at it from a different direction.