Here’s how students can get involved in our work to deliver a more environmentally just world.
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We believe education can bring about that change. SOS-UK is a student-led education charity focusing on sustainability - we know environmental sustainability cannot be achieved in isolation, so our work spans across issues of justice and wellbeing as well.
This is what some of them say about us
I have enjoyed learning about what happens behind the scenes with universities and have found auditing a new experience to help develop skills like analysing, critical thinking and leadership.
Green Impact has given us more of a team bond but additionally has made us proactively seek ways in which as a group, and as individuals, can have positive environmental, and indeed, social impact.
Volunteering has allowed me learn how to engage in conversations about actions for the environment in a non-intrusive way to my flatmates and hall residents.
This opportunity to conduct an audit is invaluable to me, especially since I aspire to be an accountant in the future. I was able to enhance skills (i.e. listening, critical thinking, research, team work) that will be vital for my career.